health tips cervical cancer causes symptoms treatment in hindi

health tips cervical cancer causes symptoms treatment in hindi

Cervical Cancer : The risk of cervical cancer is increasing in women. According to the data of Gujarat Cancer Research Institute, every 7 minutes a woman in the country is becoming a victim of this cancer (Cervical Cancer). Even a little negligence in this cancer can be fatal. Cervical cancer occurs due to uncontrolled growth of cells of the cervix. This is the second most common cancer found in women in India.

Reasons for increasing cervical cancer in India

1. The main factor in the increase of cervical cancer is weak immune system.
2. HIV, STDs
3. Giving birth to multiple babies at once
4. Early pregnancy
5. Use of hormonal contraceptives
6. Smoking

Number of cervical cancer patients in India
In the year 2023, 123,000 women are victims of cervical cancer, out of which 80 thousand women have died. According to the report, India is the 5th country in the world with the highest number of cervical cancer patients. The number of deaths due to this is the highest in India.

Who is more at risk of cervical cancer and how to prevent it
Cervical cancer is caused by a persistent infection with the human papillomavirus. Women who are infected with HIV have a 6 times higher risk of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can be treated by early detection and regular checkups. Apart from this, girls can also be protected from its dangers by getting vaccinated on time.

When does the risk of cervical cancer increase

1. Ignoring irregular bleeding and excessive bleeding during periods or bleeding after intercourse.
2. Ignoring pain during intercourse.
3. Sudden increase or loss of body weight.
4. Frequent urination and burning and pain while urinating.

Preventive measures for cervical cancer
Regular cervical cancer screening can detect precancerous changes or early-stage cancer, allowing timely treatment. Screening methods include the Pap test (Pap smear), which detects abnormal cervical cancer cells, and HPV testing, which detects the presence of high-risk HPV strains.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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